Friday, May 28, 2010

Thursday, May 20, 2010

This is a dollar  and what the parts means. I love money :-)
This is my school. It  is full of learning. Hah .Just kidding . There are some Gangster wannabes. Some haters. Some people who willl start stuff wuth you for no reason. And some people who will stick up for you. I hate the fact that some people have to be stupid and get in trouble. Sometimes it is funny how the teachers react.

Shout out to hot sauce. Where would chicken be without it. This is what us black people use. Others use ketchup.
Shout out to chicken. Black People love chicken. Don't let others fool you. They don't want you to steal theirs.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tomorrow is the math state test. my mommy is going back to school. She is happy. I'm happy to because i can watch t.v  more. Love to everyone bye

Monday, May 3, 2010

I love music it is a universal language. My 4 year old cousins first english word was micheal Jackson or  Beyonce. She already knows creole which is the language in Haiti where my parents where born.